Life--What a Beautiful Ride!

Life is what we make of it--always has been & always will be. I think we should do our best to enjoy the ride while we're here & find happiness whenever possible! Life--what a beautiful ride it is--EnJoY!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Process

The changes I talked about in my previous post are definitely a process! They're a process of wills and won'ts...and a process of having the will power to actually make the changes. Making changes is not easy. I want to do this or do that so bad, but at the same time it's not easy when you actually start to make the change or do something in the step of making a change in your life. So here goes...I'll list a few of the changes I'd like to work on...

  • Be healthier by eating better, getting more exercise & doing more activities by just getting up & moving more...which essentially is to lose weight!

  • Be more organized...hmmm--that's a hard one when I haven't felt so motivated!

Well, I've got to go for now, so I'll write more later!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Choices & Changes

We have the option to choose...Isn't that what's great about life? Making choices changes things in our life one way or another. We can always choose. I've been working out in my mind & heart certain choices and changes I need to be doing in my life...and those certain things feel like huge mountains right now and I'm wondering how in the world will I ever overcome or rather conquer them?!? I think I need to work on gaining acceptance with these changes and realize an understanding with the choices, then move forward in choosing what to change.

My mind & heart have been overthinking many issues lately...I feel an overload...I feel that I suffer from overthinking too much...I feel like I'm in isolation(in my thoughts) at times...I need to release my thoughts and help myself through this thing called 'life' in one way or another and by putting all my thinking into words on the screen I think it will help me gain a better perspective of what needs to be done in my life. (excuse the run-on sentence there)

I'll end with this quote I came across about an hour ago...

May I be filled with loving kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at ease
May I be happy

Now that is how I want to feel all the time! I think we all want to feel that way. Bye for now...I need sleep...take care!

This thing called 'life'

I am thankful for my life and the people who are in my life. I'm especially thankful for my family. I don't know how I could do it(this thing called 'life') without all my various family members. Each person in my family is here in my life for a reason and I may not know the exact reason why right now, but I know one of the main reasons is to help me make it through my life by learning, making mistakes, and learning some more. I know one thing for sure and that is that family is the key to success in life.

The above paragraph was completely inspired....I didn't really think about it too much as I wrote, my thoughts just came out as I typed them onto the computer screen. I really felt like writing it, so I did. That's it for now...take care!

Monday, May 9, 2011


Here I am posting again after too long of an absence! I am not so diligent in my blogging...maybe that will change--I hope!

Mother's Day weekend was wonderful with my family. My sisters were home to visit. It was good to be with family. Mother's Day Sunday was a good day, too. My hubby & son gave me a wonderfully sweet card & perfect gift!

More to be continued!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Having a toddler...

Our little boy is 2 1/2 and he is VERY busy and VERY independent. He doesn't want us to help him with anything. And, he doesn't think we can tell him when we ask him to pick up his toys, he'll say, "Mommy pick up toys" or he just says "No." So, we've been trying a new system...we took away some of his toys and he doesn't really seem to miss them(I think that probably means he has too many toys to notice!) And, we've also incorporated a reward system with stickers on a calendar. We give him stickers for being good, listening to mom & dad, and/or helping out with something when we ask. Once he gets 3 or 4 stickers in a day he can get a toy or his beloved stuffed cow back. Like my dad says, my hubby & I just need to "stick to it" with our toddler and pretty soon he'll understand that he needs to listen(or we hope he does!)

Having a toddler is so full of fun, laughter, and love...but it's also full of challenges and my hubby & I need to work on being more patient and understanding with him. I think just in the last few days of implementing these new changes, it has helped me to love our son more and I'm thankful for that, because he is our son, moon, & stars!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Life Changes...

In the past year this little Child family has had many changes...some good, some not so good, and some downright sad...but through it all we've remained a family & that's what is important!

Here's some of the changes in our life over the past year:
  • About a year ago today, Dustin's position at Bear Creek Ranch in Montana was about a life changer! We lost our livelihood and would be losing the place we called home, too. Dustin's father also lost his job the same day for the same reason.
  • Then not long after that we found out the new edition to our family that we'd been so excited about was gone. On March 12th last year we found out our little baby I was carrying had stopped growing. What more can I say other than miscarriage is heartbreaking.
  • Dustin got a temporary job while we were still in Montana. He built and repaired fencing. We were thankful for that job while it lasted.
  • We moved back to Idaho at the beginning of May. Dustin still remained in Montana through May working the temporary fencing job. I am very thankful that we moved so close to my parents during this time.
  • Dustin came back home the end of May and found a job at the beginning of June with a farmer. He'd worked with this farmer in the past so we thought this job would 'work out.' Dustin worked for this farmer for 8 long months. He worked many many long hours to only have to practically beg for a paycheck when payday came around. Each and every time payday arrived we never received a check on time. Along with that problem, Dustin had to deal with working at a disorganized operation which was not easy.
  • Dustin had continued to look for work off and on while working for the above mentioned farmer. Well, he had an interview with another farmer at the end of January. The very next day after the interview his current boss let him go. He told Dustin he was reorganizing his employees and wouldn't need Dustin anymore. And, Dustin's last day was Jan. 31st! That didn't give us much time to find something else!
  • Then Dustin got offered the job by the second farmer and we hoped this would be a better situation. But after 2 weeks of being hounded every day with impatience and too high of expectations, Dustin quit this new farming job on Feb. 15th.
  • We went two weeks(almost) with Dustin not working. Thankfully we'd sold Dustin's pickup and had money leftover from buying the Expedition to help get us through this time or I don't know what we'd have done.
  • Now Dustin is working for a new farmer in Murtaugh and this one seems to be 'the one.' He's worked 3 days and he's come home satisfied and happy each day. I am happy that he is happy with his new job. Let's hope and pray it remains this way!
  • Last week we received a bill in the mail regarding my miscarriage...well, it upset me quite a lot since it's been almost a year now and we certainly didn't need another bill to pay. We thankfully got everything straightened away with it and now we don't owe that particular bill. I called the company about the bill and was put on hold a few times through the conversation. When the customer service lady got back on the phone telling me that we didn't have to worry about this bill any longer and that they'd take care of it--I was speechless and crying, of course! I believe there's angels watching out for us all the time they just show themselves in unusual ways and I am ever so thankful.

You know I think life throws us all these curve balls to help mold us into better people. Life is a learning process and our little Child family had learned A LOT in the past year. We've learned that we need to stick together and be there for each other to make it work. We've learned that LOVE is a big part of the answer in solving problems that arise. We've learned that giving hugs or loves and saying "I love you" is important to do all the time. We've learned that communication is vital in everything. And, most of all we've learned that we want our family to be a Child family forever, so we've got to do our best to work together to make it stick together always and forever!



Saturday, February 12, 2011

Yummy Breakfast Burritos!

My previous posting is a copy of the post from a cool blog--Mama Go Round & her wonderful breakfast burrito recipe! I came across this blog & recipe about a week ago. I've been wanting to make these breakfast burritos ever since! Well, tonight I made them & they are totally yummy! My hubby & I tried them & loved them at first bite! Thanks to Mama Go Round for sharing this fantabulous recipe!